Working toward greater understandings of the fullness of human experiences in the Southwest and the world.
The University of New Mexico and the Maxwell Museum of Anthropology sit on and among the traditional homelands of multiple sovereign nations. We acknowledge the deep connections of the Pueblo, Diné, and Apache peoples to the land and the significant contributions of past, present, and future Indigenous peoples and communities to life and culture in the greater Southwest, the United States, and the world at large. In acknowledging these connections, we express our gratitude for the opportunity to live, work, and learn on this land. We honor our relationships with Indigenous peoples and commit to working towards reconciling injustices, restoring voices, and realizing community going forward.
Shop the Maxwell Museum Store online or on the University of New Mexico campus. We feature local and fair trade items, partner with Native American artists from New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah, and ensure the highest ethical standards, quality, and authenticity.