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Hibben Scholar Spotlight: Adesbah Foguth

Maxwell Museum Blog

Hibben Scholar Adesbah Foguth

Adesbah Foguth is working toward a Master’s
Degree at The University of NewMexico in
Anthropology with a specialization in Public
Archaeology. She has spent her fellowship
inventorying, cataloguing, photographing and
housing archaeological collections all of which
she feels will be important in her future work
espcecially with regards to NAGPRA collections.
Adesbah is researching the usability of photogrammetric
models for education and public
outreach purposes, and to ensure accurate
documentation of heritage sites. She is currently
also working for the New Mexico Department
of Game & Fish through UNM’s Office
of Contract Archeology to photograph and
render 3D models of a Pueblo IV petroglyph
near Belen, NM, and a pictographic panel
and Mimbres granary in the Gila, the latter of
which will be 3D printed.
“I want to teach the broader public about
indigenous heritage. I think it’s important to
have indigenous people teach the world about
their land, culture, and indigenous issues. The
number one problem with museums and the
park service is that they don’t have enough
indigenous people teaching others about their
heritage. I’m really grateful that the Hibben
fellowship exists for indigenous students.
It speaks to the nature of this institution recognizing that there needs to be more indigenous people in heritage
management. After having worked as a middle school teacher for many years after getting my BA from UNMand
struggling with the differences in Western vs Diné approaches to education, I began working with the
National Park Service to provide more locally relevant, hands-on education. I decided to apply for the Public
Archaeology graduate program at UNM to become an Interpretive Park Ranger for the National Park Service
at Canyon De Chelly National Monument. As a ranger, I am excited to experience the freedom to design
indigenized curriculum for visitors, to have more ability to engage with local Diné youth through conservation
projects both within the park itself and in local communities, and, most importantly, I am excited about the
prospect of working directly with local Diné communities on issues concerning the protection and preservation
of their land, culture, and history.”
Check out Adesbah’s Sketchfab profile to see 3D photogrammetric models at

Adesbah has successfully completed her graduate degree in Anthropology! We wish her all the best in her career.