Maxwell Museum Blog

C.L. Kieffer Nail
Degree: MA Museum Studies (2017) & PhD Anthropology (2018)
Position at the Museum: I started off in Osteology Lab as a Researcher, and ended up becoming the Assistant Curator of Archaeology
Division: Osteology & Archaeology Years: 2008-2014
What is your current position- where are you now in your career?
Currently I am the Collections Manager for the Archaeological Research Collections at the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture (MIAC). The focus of my job is to care for and aid researcher access to one of the largest archaeological collections in the American Southwest. I am lucky enough to also have the time to conduct research within the collection and curating exhibits for both our off site repository (Center for New Mexico Archaeology) and at MIAC’s Museum Hill location. My next exhibit, What’s New in New: Selections from the Carol Warren Collection, opens June 3rd on Museum Hill.
What skills did you learn at the Maxwell that brought success?
The Maxwell is a great institution to work for if you have ideas and the determination to follow through on projects. The first two exhibits I curated were at the Maxwell. These exhibits taught me a lot about the ins and outs of exhibition budgeting, design, advertising, and programing. In working on these projects I learned the importance of asking for and incorporating feedback from professionals within the field of museum studies. Collaborative ideas and efforts ultimately make any project stronger and having a greater impact.
What advice would you give to current students?
I highly recommend taking the opportunity to learn new skills and do the tasks that are ultimately part of your dream career. For me, being able to curate smaller exhibits at my current institution keeps me passionate about ultimate goal of becoming a curator one day.
Links to Kieffer's work:
For my research:
The collection I care for:
The museum I work for:
My upcoming exhibit: