* Registration on our Eventbrite here is not required but appreciated as it helps the museum staff plan *
If you're 18 years and older, join us for our inaugural board game night in honor of our temporary exhibit, Cuneiform and Cultural Heritage: Writing, New Ways of Being, and Displaced Artifacts (on display until Dec. 7, 2024). Curated by the Maxwell's Director and UNM Professor of Archaeology, Dr. Carla Sinopoli, this exhibit features cuneiform tablets dating between 4100 and 1600 years ago, from Mesopotamia in modern Southwest Asia--home to the world’s first cities, states, and writing systems!
Amidst our galleries, we will set up tables and chairs for gamers to try out and learn to play one of the oldest board games in the world-- The Royal Game of Ur! It was played in Mesopotamia more than 5000 years ago. It is a two-player strategy race board game of the tables family.
Learn to play Ur with the Maxwell staff and community (UNM and CNM students, staff, faculty, and the public in general) OR bring your own favorite board game to share with your friends and others.
Free pizza and soft drinks (while supplies last).
(Photo: An excavated board of the Royal Game of Ur that is dated to 2500 BC.
© The Trustees of the British Museum.)