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Remembering in Community: A Chat with Ofelia Esparza & Rosanna Esparza Ahrens

Thursday, October 20, 2022 -
4:00pm to 5:30pm
Online on Zoom
Ofelia Esparza and Rosanna Esparza Ahrens

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Award-winning Chicana artist and educator doña Ofelia Esparza has been creating Day of the Dead altars for decades. She has been covered by the LA Times, awarded by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) as a National Heritage Fellow, and has received the prestigious United States Artist fellowship.

Her daughter Rosanna Esparza Ahrens is a Chicana artist with 15 years experience in graphic design and production art. Rosanna, along with her mother and other community members of East Los Angeles, is a co-founder of the creative wellness center, Tonalli Studio. This venue is the first female-owned wellness/art space in East Los Angeles.

Together, Ofelia and Rosanna are widely recognized for sharing with the public the healing power of commemoration in many diverse spaces. For instance, both currently teach prisoners through altar-making, as part of the Arts in Corrections program of the non-profit organization, Alliance for California Traditional Arts.

Join us in honor of Hispanic Heritage Month and learn about their healing practices as well as ask them questions! The public event will be recorded and later shared in the future via our museum website.

This event is made possible with the generous support of the Peaceful World Foundation, Latin American and Iberian Institute, El Centro de la Raza, the UNM Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, and the Mellon Foundation.


Left: Ofelia Esparza. Photo by Jacqueline Esparza Sanders.

Middle: Right: Raices Cosmicas (Cosmic Roots), 2018, Mixed media. Photo by Rosanna Esparza Ahrens.

Right: Rosanna Esparza Ahrens.