by Thomas C. O'Laughlin, 2025, x + 362 pp.
Tech 44 Firecracker Pueblo 250221.pdf
by Thomas C. O'Laughlin, 2025, x + 362 pp.
Tech 43a Canada Alamosa Ceramics Part 1.pdf
By Toni Sudar Laumbach, with contributions by Dr. Judith Habicht-Mauche, 2024, xxxviii + 661 pages (part 1 of 3)
Note: Because of the size of this report, it has been uploaded in 3 sections. This is section 1 of 3.
Tech 43b Canada Alamosa Ceramics Part 2.pdf
By Toni Sudar Laumbach, with contributions by Dr. Judith Habicht-Mauche, 2024, xxxviii + 661 pages. (Part 2 of 3)
Note: Because of the size of this report it has been uploaded in three sections. This is section 2 of 3
Tech 43c Canada Alamosa Ceramics Part 3.pdf
By Toni Sudar Laumbach, with contributions by Dr. Judith Habicht-Mauche, 2024, xxxviii + 661 pages. (part 3 of 3)
Note: Because of the size of this report, it has been uploaded in 3 sections. This is section 3 of 3.
Tech 42 Lakota Traditional Sciences 220117.pdf
By Mila Hunska Tašunke Icu (Joseph American Horse), Anpetu Luta Wiŋ (Antonia Loretta Afraid of Bear-Cook), Akil Nujipi (Harold Left Heron), Tanka Omniya (Robert Milo Yellow Hair), Mario Gonzalez (Nantan Hinapan), Bill Means, Sam High Crane (Wapageya Mani), Mažasu (Wendell W. Yellow Bull), Barbara Dull Knife (Mah’piya Keyaké Wiŋ), Wakinyala Wiŋ (Anita Afraid of Bear), and Yvette Running Horse Collin (Tašunke Iyanke Wiŋ), 2023, viii + 32 pp.
Tech 41 Estancia Santiago 220719.pdf
by Michael P. Marshall, 2022, vi + 49 pp.
by Michael S. Foster, 2022, viii + 70 pp.
by Michael S. Foster and Ronna Jane Bradley, 2021, viii + 156 pp.
Kaitlyn E. Davis and Scott G. Ortman, 2021, viii + 160 pp.
Tech 37 Puerco Site 210809.pdf
by Jean H. Ballagh, with a contribution by David A. Phillips, Jr., 2021, vi + 35 pp.
Tech 36 Sandia Pueblitos 210607.pdf
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2021; vi + 36 pages
Tech 35 Pottery Mound 19858 200922.pdf
Tech Series 34-6 Tijeras-220208.pdf
Tech Series 34-5-Tijeras-220204.pdf
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2022, xiv + 142 pages
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2022, xiv+142 pages
Tech 34 Part 3 Tijeras Rooms 220107r.pdf
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2022, xvi + 190 pp.
Tech 34-2 Tijeras 2 201007.pdf
Tech 33 190709 J Harkey Site(2).pdf
by Regge N. Wiseman, 2019; 14 + ii pages
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2019; 106 + vi pages.
Tech Series 31 Hondo-Glencoe(1).pdf
by Regge N. Wiseman, 2018; 170 + x pages.
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2017; 100 pages + vii pages.
Tech 29 Franklin Pottery Mound 2018-1.pdf
by Hayward H. Franklin, Research Associate, Maxwell Museum of Anthropology
by Regge N. Wiseman, 2016; 228 + xii pages.
by Philip Fralick, Peter Hollings, and Joe D. Stewart, 2016; 34 + ii pages.
Tech 26 Schuyler Pottery Mound Jewelry.pdf
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2016; 200 + xii pages.
by Rafael Cruz Antillón and Timothy D. Maxwell, 2015; 48 + iv pages.
Tech 24 Medio of Santa Maria 150706.pdf
by Jane Holden Kelly, with contributions by Charles Knight, A.C. MacWilliams, and Loy Neff, 2015; 113 +x pages.
by Gordon P. Wilson, Leslie Goodwill Cohen, Carole Gardner, and G. Stuart Patterson, 2015; 161 +vii pages
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2014; 83+ v pages.
Tech 21 Wiseman 2013 Rocky Arroyo.pdf
by Regge N. Wiseman, 2013; 78 + vi pages.
Tech 20 Schuyler et al Guide 2013a.pdf
by Lucy C. Schuyler, David A. Phillips, Jr., and Jean H. Ballagh, 2013; 88 + vi pages. Allows researchers to navigate the otherwise confusing provenience and collections designations for the site.
Table 4 is available as a downloadable MS Excel spreadsheet (use link; no charge). Downloadable MS Excel file
Tech 19-3 Additional Viejo Studies.pdf
by Jane Holden Kelley and Richard D. Garvin, 2014; 84 + viii pages.
by Jane Holden Kelley et al., 2014; 204 + viii pages.
by Jane Holden Kelley and Richard D. Garvin, 2013; 88 + viii pages.
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2012; 38 + vi pages. Not available online.
Tech 17 Pottery Mound 2011.pdf
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, and Hayward H. Franklin, 2012; 22 + ii pages. Site monitoring, mapping, and surface collection at Pottery Mound.
Tech 16 Pottery Mound 2010.pdf
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, and Hayward H. Franklin, 2011; 12 + ii pages. Site monitoring, mapping, and surface collection at Pottery Mound.
Tech Series 15 rev Nov 2011.pdf
by Lucy C. Schuyler, 2010; 100 + viii pages. Based on excavations at LA 581, Tijeras Pueblo, New Mexico.
by Alicia Barnes, 2010; 42 + ii pages. Publications and manuscripts by Florence Hawley Ellis and her professional collaborators, based on the bibliography files formerly maintained in the Ellis house.
See for updates to this file.
Tech 13 Pottery Mound 2009.pdf
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, 2010; 14 + ii pages. Site monitoring, mapping, and surface collection at Pottery Mound
Maxwell Tech 12 BPM Pottery 2.pdf
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2010; 72 + vi pages.
Tech 11 LA 416 2008 unrestricted.pdf
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, 2009; 8 + ii pages. Site monitoring and mapping at Pottery Mound.
Tech Series 10 Part 2.pdf
Tech Series 10 Part 3.pdf
by Jean H. Ballagh, 2011; 334 + xvi pages. Based on field notes and lab tallies from the 1957 UNM field school at LA 416, Pottery Mound, on the lower Rio Puerco near Los Lunas, N.M. In three downloadable PDF files to reduce download times
by Jane H. Kelley, 2009; 103 + viii pages.
Maxwell Tech Series 09 Part 2.pdf
by Jane H. Kelley, 2008; 174 + xiv pages.
by Jane H. Kelley, 2008; 166 + xiv pages.
by Jean H. Ballagh and David A. Phillips, Jr., 2008; 232 + x pages. Based on field notes and lab tallies from the 1955 UNM field school at LA 416, Pottery Mound, on the lower Rio Puerco near Los Lunas, N.M.
Tech 07 New Pottery Mound Dates.pdf
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2008; 15 + ii pages. Three AMS radiocarbon dates from the 1979 stratigraphic test at Pottery Mound.
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, 2008; 12 + ii pages. Site monitoring and mapping at Pottery Mound.
Also available: CD-R copy ($7.50 postpaid); comb-bound or unbound paper copy ($7.50 postpaid).
Maxwell Museum Technical Series 5.pdf
by Hayward H. Franklin, 2007; 109 + vi pages. Introduction to the site’s pottery and analysis of a large stratigraphic sample.
D-R copy ($7.50 postpaid); comb-bound or unbound paper copy ($25.00 postpaid). Note: the paper versions include a CD-R with 60 photographs of potsherds, in .jpg format. The CD-R version includes the PDF of the report along with the sherd photographs.
Maxwell Technical Series 4 Los Ranchos Plaza.pdf
edited by Carol J. Condie, 2007; 126 + x pages. Historical archaeology of the Rio Grande north of Albuquerque.
Maxwell Technical Series 3 Pottery Mound 2006 monitoring.pdf
by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, 2006; 12 + ii pages. Brief description of the first months of formal site monitoring at Pottery Mound.
Comments on the Rendered Map, by David A. Phillips, Jr. and Jean H. Ballagh, 2008; 4 + i pages.
by Jean H. Ballagh and David A. Phillips, Jr., 2006; 150 + viii pages. Based on field notes and lab tallies from the 1954 UNM field school at LA 416, Pottery Mound, on the lower Rio Puerco near Los Lunas, N.M.
by David A. Phillips, Jr., 2006; 48 + v pages. Excavations at a Territorial period Hispanic home in Albuquerque’s North Valley.